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Coast Guard 44 foot Motor Life Boat restoration (44376)

ARTIFACTS WANTED: MLC is seeking them.


As one of the conservancies goals of preserving artifacts related to the lighthouse, life saving service and Coast Guard services, the MLC is seeking donations of these items or in some instances are willing to purchase them depending on the artifact.

The Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy is a registered IRS 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation in the state of Michigan. For more details on the conservancy please visit the organization and membership information.

We are currently seeking a Fresnel lighthouse lens of any size order for the conservancy. We would like to find a Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Order lens for display preferably, but larger sizes will also work. Other lighthouse related artifacts are also welcomed, some we can purchase, some we would have to consider acquiring them through a donation.

We are also seeking a life saving service Lyle Gun and surfboat. These items again can be purchased or acquired through a donation. Please consider cash donations as well as they help with historic preservation and acquiring artifacts.

Brass stamp example of how items are marked.

Fourth Order Fresnel Lens.

Copyright © 2001-2008 Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/31/08.